

With the purpose of capturing the inherent complexity and non-linearity of ecological systems, computer-based models have arisen to incorporate space and time as central components of the ecological process. LEDGE research program integrates multiple computational modeling approaches to simulate the effects of ecological and environmental changes on animal behaviors/movements in fragile ecosystems.


Land Use and Cover Patterns & Adaptation to Climate Change

Birds and mammals behavioural responses to spatial pattern changes in forest, wetlands, habitat fragmentation and climate variability.

Intelligent Environmental Decision Support Systems

Tools designed to cope with the multidisciplinary nature and high complexity of environmental problems, to promote awareness of possible alterations in ecosystem function and services, and to support a range of policy and planning considerations.

Disturbances and Invasive Species Propagation

Spatio temporal dynamics of Spruce budworm in the forests of Quebec. 
Assessment and simulation of the effects of climate change on forest disturbances in Canada.
Modeling of forest fire spread in the Boreal forest of Canada.