Congratulations to our PhD candidate, Bastien Boucherat, who has passed his comprehensive exams and won the FRQNT Doctoral Scholarship. What an incredible week !

Congratulations to our lab student Julien Vadnais on obtaining the FRQNT Doctoral Scholarship! The picture is from when he presented at IVADO Futurs Numeriques last March.

Congratulations to student Julien Vadnais, who has won a Scholarship in Artificial Intelligence from the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies 2023-2024 and the ESP Master’s End of Study Scholarship- Winter 2023.

Congratulations to our postdoctoral Saeed Harati, who won the FRQNT Postdoctoral Scholarship (2022) and is on the Dean's honor list of doctoral studies at the University of Montreal

Join our PhD student Bastien Boucherat at the conference devoted to "Degrowth and the question of how? on May 11 at 11 am (Montréal time) as part of the 90th edition of Acfas. For more information, click on the image
Congratulations to the student Navid Mahdizadeh, who won the FRQNT Doctoral Scholarship

Join to the conference that Dr. Liliana Pérez will be doing the 25 November 2022 at 1:00 pm.
Place: CELCP office, C-8086 and on zoom

Congratulations to the student Amélie Dechelette, who won the Mitacs Globalink Research Grant to do research in the project “Geospatial-based Modeling and Prediction of Marine Bird Distribution in the Chilean Patagonia“

Congratulations to doctoral student Samuel Seuru, who won second place in the My thesis in 180 seconds 2021 competition at the University of Montreal

Congratulations to doctoral student Samuel Seuru, winner of the 2021 Marcel Bleustein-Blanchet Foundation Vocation Prize

Congratulations to the student Yenny Cuellar, who won the Alma Mater Scholarship (master's) from the Department of Geography at the UdeM, and the National Bank scholarship (2022)