Lead Researcher
Graduate Students
Paula Pérez-Briceño, Ph.D Student - CV, Google Scholar
Project: Pan Quebec Economic Impacts of Climate Change on Agriculture and Adaptation (P-QEICCAA)/Population Perceptions and Digital Platforms
Miki Dagnino, Ph.D candidate - CV
Project: A Complex Social-ecological Systems Approach to Landscape Connectivity in the Southern Cone’s Forests
Bastien Boucherat, Ph.D candidate - CV
Projet: Modeling of soil microbial communities and their role in building fertility
Navid Mahdizadeh Gharakhanlou, Ph.D candidate - CV
Project: Machine Learning and Complex Systems Science to Model and Assess Crop Yields and Beehive Mortality Rate In Response to Environmental Conditions and Agricultural Management Practices
Andrea Lousada, Ph.D Candidate - CV
Project: Development of an intelligent decision support system for water resource management
Laurence Desroches-Jean, M.Sc. candidate
Modelling the economic impact of delaying the felling of dying ash trees and replanting trees in response to EAB infestation in urban areas
Lisa Thiry, M.Sc. candidate
Jessica Plante, M.Sc. candidate
María Isabel Camacho Sánchez, master student - CV
Project: Global assessment of flood susceptibility and its various impacts according to the geographical location of the event
Julien Vadnais, M.Sc (2024) - Project: Applications of GeoAI to analyze the effects of landscape on beehives’ health - CV
Amélie Dechelette, M.Sc (2024) - Project: Geospatial-based Modeling and Prediction of Marine Bird Distribution in the Chilean Patagonia – CV
Samuel Seuru, Ph.D (2023) - Project: Agent-based modelling of hunter-gatherer subsistence strategies during Upper Palaeolithic in the Iberian Peninsula - CV. Co-directed with: Ariane Burke
Hao Chu, visiting student (2023) - Project : Evacuation simulation and emergency management analysis of urban community in micro scale - CV
Yenny Cuellar, M.Sc (2023) - Project: Modeling, simulation and spatial dynamics analysis in urban wetlands by cellular automata: a case study for the city of Bogota in Colombia - CV
Yilmar Andrés Lavalle Molano - M.Sc (2023) - Project: Application de l’article 31.7.1 de la Loi sur la qualité de l’environnement (chapitre Q-2) visant à soustraire en tout ou en partie un projet de la procédure d’évaluation et d’examen des impacts sur l’environnement en cas de sinistre – CV
Saeed Harati, Ph.D (2022) - Project: Towards Simulating the Emergence of Environmentally Responsible Behavior Among Natural Resource Users: An Integration of Complex Systems Theory, Machine Learning and Geographic Information Science - CV
Simon Demers, M.Sc (2022) - Project: Spatial models of abundance and habitat preferences of Peale's dolphin in southern Patagonian waters - CV
Jeffrey Katan, M.Sc (2022). Project: The prevalence of complexity in flammable ecosystems and the application of complex systems theory to the simulation of fire spread - CV
Jean-Maxime Noiseux - M.Sc (2021). Project: Development and implementation of a GIS decision support tool for emergency management in Nunavut and Nunavik – CV
Mikael Poli - M.Sc (2021). Project: Impacts of the installation of the REM station (Réseau Express Métropolitain) on the city of Pointe-Claire's environment, more precisely near the future station – CV
Etienne Taschereau - Graduate diploma in Geography and Environmental Studies (2021). Project: Human settlements and migrations during the Paleoindian period: the case of the Ste-Anne-des-Monts region, Haute-Gaspésie RCM
Phillipe Gauvin-Bourdon, M.Sc (2020). Project: Modeling dynamics between vegetation and sediment transport in arid and semi-arid lands: an expansion of the Vista model for anthropized environments - CV
Jennifer Sauri Ramirez, M.Sc (2020). Project: Modeling the effect of climate change on the phenological synchronization between a defoliator and its host: an agent-based approach - CV
Carmen Florina Mot, M.Sc (2019). Project: Applied geomatics to study the spatial distribution of the Emerald Ash Borer in the city of Montreal
Yannick Sotum, M.Sc (2019). Project: Optimization of spatial data update within the Department of Operations, Support and Planning of the City of Montreal - CV
Pierre-Philippe Vézina, M.Sc (2019). Project: Methodological guide for creating the database for the STRAPI (Système de gestion des TRAversées Piétonnes aux Intersections - Management System for Pedestrian Crossings at Intersections) project - CV
Lorenzo Quesada, Ph.D (2019). Project: Analysis and characterization of the illegall landfill's location in Canary Islands - CV
Tracy-Ann Hyman, Ph.D (2018). Project: A Spatially Explicit and Dynamic Approach to Flood Risk Management using Agent Based Models, in South-East Westmoreland Jamaica - CV
Mariana Tiné, M.Sc (2018). Project: Using a cellular automata model to study the drivers of open wetlands changes in the Abitibi-Témiscamingue region, Québec, Canada - CV
Guillaume Arnoux Hébert , M.Sc (2016). Project: An Agent-Based Model to Identify Migration Pathways of Refugees: The Case of Syria - CV
Paula Kardozo - Graduate diploma in Geography and Environmental Studies (2016). Project: The GIS as a decision-making tool for new immigrants in Montreal - CV
Jonathan Gaudreau, M.Sc (2015). Project: Modélisation de répartition d’espèces aviaires et de feux en forêt boréale du Québec dans un contexte de changement climatique - CV